{"id":726,"date":"2018-08-18T17:36:33","date_gmt":"2018-08-18T17:36:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.allstoncollisioncenter.com\/?p=726"},"modified":"2018-08-18T17:40:32","modified_gmt":"2018-08-18T17:40:32","slug":"auto-body-repair-jeep-2019-model","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.allstoncollisioncenter.com\/auto-body-repair-jeep-2019-model\/","title":{"rendered":"Jeep Auto Body Repair – Our First 2019 Model"},"content":{"rendered":"
This 2019 Jeep is a prime example of an almost negligible looking center collision that packed a big punch.<\/p>\n
If you look at the before shots, you will see how the hood is separated.\u00a0 Most of us would think \u2013 hey not too bad right?\u00a0 However, by the time this job was completed, with a full front paint job and making the hood perfectly aligned this turned into a pretty expensive repair.<\/p>\n
I realize I frequently repeat myself in the writing of these blogs, but this is a great example of why you need a trusted professional on your side.\u00a0 If you took your own photos of this damage, it would seem like a small job, but once you get \u201cunder the hood\u201d so to speak, it turns into a major accident.\u00a0 The reason why photos don\u2019t show the whole story and why this becomes major is because the vehicle needs to be completely disassembled.\u00a0 A lot of new vehicles have protective shields under the hood.\u00a0 These shields help with aerodynamics and gas mileage but make it so Allston Collision Center has to take it apart to find all the damage.<\/p>\n
What you don\u2019t see is the work which needs to be done under the protective shield.\u00a0 This particular vehicle needed an AC condenser, headlights, radiator, radiator fan assembly, grille, hood, hood lock, bumper, and painting the nose.\u00a0 A photo won\u2019t show any of the above.<\/p>\n
Allston Collision Center, Inc. has aluminum trained employees which helped with this 2019 Jeep because the hood is yes, you guessed it, aluminum.\u00a0 Though the hood ultimately had to be replaced, it is good to have professionally trained employees looking at it to determine whether it can be fixed properly or not.<\/p>\n
We give quite a bit of attention to each vehicle that comes to us, and I hope it shows on this brand new Jeep.<\/p>\n